Thursday 5 December 2019

4º ESO Extra Practice Worksheet

Extra Practice Unit 2 Answer Keys

Extra Practice 1

1  1.  battle               3.  son                5.  head
    2.  country             4.  family            6.  people
2  1.  g    2.  f     3.  d    4.  a     5.  b    6.  c    7.  e
3  1.  fate                  4.  advisor           6.  downfall
    2.  outbreak           5.  loyalty           7.  throne
    3.  treason
4  1.  when                3.  where            5.  which
    2.  whose              4.  who
5  1.  e, who / that             4.  a, whose
    2.  c, which / that           5.  b, where
    3.  d, when / that
6  1.  anyone                    5.  something
    2.  somewhere               6.  no one
    3.  someone                  7.  anyone
    4.  anything                  8.  no one

  Extra Practice 2

1  1.  low-budget film        4.  special effects
    2.  soundtrack               5.  minor character
    3.  spoiler                     6.  ratings
2  1.  b     2.  a      3.  b        4.  b        5.  a
3  1.  twist                        4.  scene
    2.  plot                         5.  cast
    3.  leading role
4  1.  These are photos of Leonor, whose father is King Felipe VI of Spain.
     2.  I read the book Diana: the Last Wordwhich is about Princess Diana’s last five years.
     3.  Queen Victoriawho ruled the UK for over 60 years, died in 1901.
     4.  Balmoral Castle, where the Queen and her family stay during the summer holiday, is in Scotland. 
5  1.  We saw the Crown Jewels, which are kept in the Tower of London.
     2.  We visited Westminster Abbey, where Prince William and Kate Middleton were married.
     3.  Henry VIII married Catherine of Aragon, whose parents were King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain.
     4.  Queen Elizabeth II was 86 years old in 2012, when she had her Diamond Jubilee.
     5.  Do you know anything about Louis Philippe I, who was the last king of France?
6  Possible answers
     1.  when it’s very cold
     2.  where I can sit and relax
     3.  which is on 1st July
     4.  whose name is Ms Carter

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