Monday 8 December 2014

Translation 3º ESO A

Hi, guys. I hope you´ve enjoyed this long weekend but I hope you have revised hard for our exam too!
These are the translation sentences for you to correct:

1. When it got dark I drove  away from my house following the signposts to the nearest village.
2. His wife fell off her motorbike. She asked for help but nobody heard her. After a while, the police arrived and took her to hospital.
3. I´ m tired of wandering through the forest. Let´s take that path.
4. The swimmer dived into the (swimming) pool.
5. Their neighbour was charged with drug dealing. He faces three years in prison.
6. Did you get good scores/results/marks in your last geography test?
7. Take the books out of the box and put them on/onto the shelf.
8. I climbed to/towards the top of the mountain after I went trekking/ after going trekking for three hours.  ///  I climbed the mountain after ...
9. The baby was crawling across the room when suddenly we noticed/realized he ...

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