Saturday 3 December 2016


1. Rephrase using Modal Verbs od Obligation, Prohibition, Absence of Obligation,
    Ability, Permission.
1. The students are not allowed to leave the classroom.
2. I would like to have the ability to speak many foreign languages.
3. It is not necessary to bring your parents’ permission.
4. When I was a child it wasn´t obligatory to wear a uniform at school.
5. I’m sure that this is Helen’s car. I can see her bag inside.
6. Would you mind lending me your pen?
7. In some years’ time it won’t be necessary to show your identity card.
8. I’m sure Karen is not a liar. She always tells the truth.
9. Do your parents let you use their car?
    Are ….
    Do your…..
    Do you have ...
10. Smoking is forbidden in all public places in Spain.
11. My car needs cleaning. I´ll take it tomorrow. You ...
12. Don´t take the CD without asking permission. You ...


2. Fill in the blanks with a Modal verb. There is more than one answer in some sentences.
1.- ……… I borrow your rubber, please? Yes, of course you ……………..
2.-My friend is getting married today, she ……………. feel very nervous.
3.-Next year I think you ……………… to translate any report into your own language.
4.-I ……………. swim quite well when I was five years old.
5.- Sonia …………………… practise so much if she wants to take part in the marathon.
6.- You ……………….. cook those vegetables because they have already cooked.
7.-The girl …………………… go to the studio for an audition.
8.- That diamond bracelet is very elegant but it ……………… cost a fortune.
9.-Look it has stopped raining. We ……………………. go for a walk in the country.
10.-Sheila didn’t go to work yesterday. She ………………….. be ill in bed.
11.- I’ve lost my keys. I ……….............. have dropped them when I went shopping.
12.-It’s prohibited to go into that building. You ……………………. go in.
13.-My dictionary isn’t in my schoolbag. I …………………….. have left it at home.
14.-The boy …………………….. help his parents in the farm during the last summer holidays.
15.-Look ! The lights are off so the library …….………………….. be closed.

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