Wednesday 13 January 2016

PICTURE DESCRIPTION: Preparing for the Oral Exam

Picture Description is an important part of the Oral Exam and it needs to be practised . 

One of the things that you need to take into account when describing a picture is that you cannot  be 100% sure what is happening in the picture. Therefore, you need to use appropriate language to show you  are guessing . You have to speculate about the pictures.
Some structures you can use:
  • Look as if + sentence/ Seem as if + sentence : he looks as if / seems as if he is looking for something
  • Seem + to infinitive: he seems to be tired/ he seems to be having a great time
  • Look/ Seem + adjective: They look/ seem quite tired
  • Appear + to infinitive : She doesn’t  appear to be concentrated on what she’s doing
Some modal verbs  you can use.
  • Must : for positive deduction. He must be happy because he’s smiling. The photomust have been taken in summer.
  • Can’t : for negative deduction. He can’t be going to school because he is not carrying books.
  • May/ Might/Could : for posibility. He could be telling her something she doesn’t like. The photo might have been taken in winter as they are wearing winter clothes.
Words like : perhaps, maybe….   
Let’s listen to an example now.
You’ll hear a girl called Magda practising this part of the Speaking test

Now, watch this video for more practice: